Knowledge in AI refers to the structured information that enables AI systems to make logical decisions and solve specific problems.
Knowledge-based agents reason by operating on internal representations of knowledge, such as facts and logic.
Using facts and logic, knowledge-based agents can infer new knowledge, as demonstrated by the above example.
Propositional logic involves statements that can either be true or false, forming the foundation for logical reasoning.
if today_is_cold and no_shower_taken: print("Rauf avoided the shower.")
Entailment in logic means that if certain facts are true, they logically imply other facts.
if "Today is cold" entails "Rauf avoids the shower": print("Entailment holds true.")
Inference is the process of deriving logical conclusions from given facts or premises.
facts = ["Today is cold", "Rauf avoids shower"] if "Rauf avoided the shower" in facts: print("Inference successful.")
Model checking is verifying if a logical statement holds true under a given set of conditions.
conditions = {"cold": True, "shower": False} if conditions["cold"] and not conditions["shower"]: print("Model satisfies conditions.")
Resolution is a rule of inference used for automated reasoning and proof.
if "cold" and "not shower": print("Resolution proves Rauf avoided the shower.")
First-order logic extends propositional logic by including quantifiers like "for all" or "there exists."
forall x (Cold(x) -> AvoidShower(x)) if Cold("today"): print("Rauf avoids the shower.")