
AI and ML

Querying in a Database

Querying databases efficiently can help in extracting useful data for training models and performing various operations. This page demonstrates how to work with databases using Python.

Key Concepts in Database Queries

Connecting to a Database with Python

To interact with databases in Python, we can use the `sqlite3` library for SQLite databases. Here’s an example of how to create a connection and execute a query:

import sqlite3

# Connect to a SQLite database (it will create the database if it doesn't exist)

conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db') cursor = conn.cursor()

# Create a table

cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INTEGER)''')

# Insert data

cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO users (name, age) VALUES ('Alice', 30), ('Bob', 25), ('Charlie', 35)''')

# Commit changes


# Query data

cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM users')

# Fetch all rows

rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: print(row)

# Close the connection


Performing SQL Queries

Basic SQL Query:

Here’s how to query the database and retrieve data based on certain conditions. For example, fetching all users older than 30:


# Query users older than 30

cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 30') result = cursor.fetchall() for user in result: print(user)

Updating Records:

To update data in the database, use the following query:

cursor.execute('UPDATE users SET age = 40 WHERE name = "Alice"')

Deleting Records:

To delete a record, use:

cursor.execute('DELETE FROM users WHERE name = "Bob"')

Understanding SQL Joins

SQL joins allow you to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column. Here’s how to perform an inner join:

cursor.execute('''SELECT users.name, orders.amount FROM users 
                      INNER JOIN orders ON users.id = orders.user_id''')
result = cursor.fetchall()
for row in result: