
AI and ML

Writing in a Database

Writing in a database means adding or inserting data to the database. In this Web Note, I will talk about Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD), INSERT INTO, CSVs, .import, Triggers, and Soft Deletions using SQLite. Let’s start 😊

Create a Database

To create a database for Nawabshah, the city I live in (located in Sindh, Pakistan), we will add a table for popular places.

-- Create a table to store Nawabshah details

CREATE TABLE nawabshah ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- Unique ID for each entry name TEXT, -- Name of the place popular_places TEXT -- Description of popular places );


Reading data means retrieving it from the database. Here’s how to read data from the table:

-- Simple SELECT query to read data

SELECT * FROM nawabshah; -- Fetch all rows from the Nawabshah table

Update and Delete

Updating data allows modifying existing entries, and deleting removes entries.

-- Update an entry

UPDATE nawabshah SET name = 'Updated Name' WHERE id = 1; -- Change name for the entry with ID 1

-- Delete an entry

DELETE FROM nawabshah WHERE id = 2; -- Remove the entry with ID 2


INSERT INTO is used to add data to a table. Data can also be imported from a CSV file.

-- Insert data into the table

INSERT INTO nawabshah (id, name, popular_places) VALUES (1, 'Quest University', 'The University i study in.');

-- Import data from a CSV file

.mode csv -- Set mode to CSV .import file.csv nawabshah -- Import data from file.csv into the Nawabshah table


Triggers automate actions based on database events.

-- Create a trigger to log deletions

CREATE TRIGGER log_deletion AFTER DELETE ON nawabshah BEGIN INSERT INTO deletion_log (deleted_id) VALUES (OLD.id); -- Log the deleted ID END;

Soft Deletes

Soft deletions mark entries as inactive instead of removing them.

-- Add an "is_active" column for soft deletions

ALTER TABLE nawabshah ADD COLUMN is_active BOOLEAN DEFAULT 1; -- 1 for active, 0 for inactive

-- Soft delete an entry

UPDATE nawabshah SET is_active = 0 WHERE id = 3; -- Mark the entry with ID 3 as inactive